5 Reasons for Kannel Alternative (SMPP)

Kannel is an excellent product with versatile capabilities. In fact, Kannel is considered the number one application when it comes to WAP Push and COM port messaging. Over the period of time, SMPP client was also adopted and implemented in Kannel.


Coming to the topic, why aggregators and entrepreneurs are looking for Kannel alternative?


1. Lot of technical knowledge is required to add a new gateway and understand the logic of load balancing


2. No direct support for SMPP Server. With the growing popularity of SMPP, many aggregators are looking for a robust SMPP server to handle inbound SMPP traffic.


3. Messaging is 90% architecture and 10% core application. Our experience suggests that the majority of people face problems while scaling in Kannel because Kannel does not suggest your architecture. Messaging apps are very IO sensitive. Any peak load at a given point of time needs to be handled effectively to avoid any system breakdown.


4. DLR handling in Kannel is purely HTTP-based, which consumes a lot of resources in case of a high-volume environment and may choke up a web server.


5. Every country has its own regulatory compliance. In order to cope with this diversified requirement, you need to design a generic module, which can manage your routing based on Sender Address or Destination Number. You also need a dynamic SAPM rule creation module and SMSC error code mapping tool to keep your system fully compliant.


While it can always be contested, when choosing your favorite product, it is imperative that people are looking for a messaging solution in totality, which adds value to their business. It’s time to move from an engine to a solution. A solution, which can visually tell you in human-readable format about every PDU, which is passing into the system. A solution that can scale their volume and cope with growing traffic. We will try to explain more about the importance of the architecture of messaging applications in our next blog.


We appreciate you for sparing your time and reading this article.


Feel free to discuss your requirement with our solution architects.

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Complete A2P SMS Hubbing Solution

Enterprise grade, redundant and scalable ready to deply A2P SMSC with SS7 Sigtran
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