Case i:

a. If Multiple gateways are assigned to the users A and B, then the messages for both users will be submitted to the vendor gateway in parallel.
b. If a single gateway (Fixed Gateway) is assigned to all users, then the Application will look for the User Priority (Low/Medium/High) and then will proceed the traffic of users accordingly, If all Users have the same priority then it will follow FIFO, First In First Out, and will proceed the messages for the users sending the messages first.

Note: In order to route a bulk traffic, we highly always recommend to have the multiple gateways routing using the distributed or round robin policy.

c. Application will store the Messages in a secondary queue for all users who have executed campaign.
d. Batch of 10k Files will be processed in the primary queue in the round robin manner.
E.g. User A has 30k messages and User B has 20k Messages.
e. First batch will be 10k of User A followed by 10k of User B and so on..
f. If a new campaign is executed, it is added in the secondary queue then the steps c to e will be followed with User C.

Note: This business logic is only applied, when all users are routed via same gateway and at the same time.

Case ii: Round Robin means a cyclic flow where application processes the message queue in cyclic manner.

E.g: User A and User B with same priority have executed a campaign of 30k messages each, application will divide the message into batch of 10k messages for both users.

On Secondary Queue application will create a batch of messages as below:
User A – 10000
User A – 10000
User A – 10000
User B – 10000
User B – 10000
User B – 10000

Here Since the priority of both Users is low, application will first process 10k messages of User A, then 10k messages of User B, then 10k messages of User A and so on..

Point to be noted:

  • While processing the messages application always checks for the priority flag (value) assigned with the batch number.
  • In continuation with the example mentioned in 1st point, if any new User C, with higher priority executes the campaign in between, Application will first divide the messages in batch of 10k messages and will process all the messages of User C in the next batch execution, and then messages for User A and User B will be executed as per the mentioned flow in Point 1.

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